
2024年4月10日—TocheckthetransactionlogsizeinaSQLserver,logintotheSQLServerManagementStudioandselectthedatabase.Openanewquery, ...,Thisonecommandwillgiveyoudetailsaboutthecurrentsizeofallofyourdatabasetransactionlogsaswellasthepercentcurrentlyinuse.Runningthis ...,2023年9月11日—x)(alleditions)andinAzureSQLDatabase,instantfileinitializationcanbenefittransactionloggrowtheventsupto64MB.Thedefaulta...

How to Check Transaction Log Size in a SQL Server

2024年4月10日 — To check the transaction log size in a SQL server, log into the SQL Server Management Studio and select the database. Open a new query, ...

How to determine SQL Server database transaction log ...

This one command will give you details about the current size of all of your database transaction logs as well as the percent currently in use. Running this ...

Manage the size of the transaction log file

2023年9月11日 — x) (all editions) and in Azure SQL Database, instant file initialization can benefit transaction log growth events up to 64 MB. The default auto ...

Manage transaction log file size

2023年9月11日 — This article covers how to monitor SQL Server transaction log size, shrink the transaction log, add to or enlarge a transaction log file, ...

Managing SQL Server transaction log size

2021年6月29日 — 1. < 1/8 the size of the transaction log ; 4. < 64 MB and > 1/8 the size of the transaction log ; 8. >= 64 MB and < 1 GB and > 1/8 the size of the ...

Monitor SQL Server Transaction Log Size & Usage

2022年10月28日 — Read how to monitor sql server transaction log size & Usage from SQl Server Database.


This check monitors the size of transaction logs in MSSQL. Levels can be set for the usage relative to the maximum size, relative to the currently allocated ...


2009年12月16日 — Based on SQL Server 2005, try this. SELECT (size * 8)/1024.0 AS size_in_mb, CASE WHEN max_size = -1 THEN 9999999 -- Unlimited growth, ...